
Surprise Visits

Surprise Visits

100 Points

100 Points | 45 Days

Realtor & Military Veteran Clients Get Approved For Mortgage in 45 Days. 50% Deletion of Negative Items.

90 Days

MTG Approval | 90 Days

Approved in 90 Days w/ TBCR! Tried 2 Competitors & Wasted 2 Years & Tons of Never-endiing Monthly Payments! 

69% Deletions

60 Day Results

11 of 16 Negative Items Deleted

AFNI, 1st Premier Bank, Medical Business Bureau, Merchants & Professional. 

Partner Success

Bankruptcy Deleted

Real life un-rehearsed surprise visit to Mortgage Loan Officer Gina M. with Alterra Mortgage Austin, TX. 

Favorite Testimonials

Favorite Testimonials

Mortgage Credit Repair

The End Is The Beginning

Divorce & 700+ FiCO

Mary J. 

“Hello, I recently went through a divorce, my ex-husband ruined my credit, & I don't know where to start..PLEASE HELP”. This is how we were introduced to Mary back in June 2012. Since her divorce, she had been rewarded several raises at her employer and was finally financially stable. Recently divorced, she had begun to date and later in the Spring after a surprise "second chance at love" engagement they were searching for a new home. Each was under the assumption they had pretty good credit. Once the loan application process had begun, her new fiance's credit was confirmed to be excellent, but she was surprised to learn that derogatory items were being reported to her credit report. There were several charge-off accounts and even a bankruptcy appearing on her report because of a BK filing error from her ex-husband. This was a major problem because she made the majority of the income, and therefore the Mortgage Lender considers her the Main Borrower for approval even despite her soon to be new husbands 700+ scores. Now she was faced with overwhelming guilt & discouragement that her credit issues were going to be the reason that she and her fiance' would be declined for a new home mortgage. Within 6 months, all derogatory items impacting her from the first marriage had been deleted from her record. Each negative item deleted, raised her credit score from as little as 10 to 15 points to sometimes as much as 50 points or more! At the conclusion of the credit restoration process, Mary improved her credit score by over 100 points and was approved for her home loan. Both Mary and her new husband are living happily and are expecting twins!

Auto Loan Credit Repair

Jesus Take The Wheel

Jesus & A Salsa Recipe

Jesus S. 

We met Jesus back in January 2022 based on a denial for auto loan. Jesus had negotiated with the dealership to reduce the price of a vehicle with an MSRP of $54,995; he was anxious to purchase a brand new Ford Pickup Truck and could already feel himself driving off the lot in his brand new truck. Within an instant; he was pulled back to reality with a sobering message from the Auto Finance Manager. “I’m sorry, but we are unable to approve your application without a co-signer. Thank you for coming into our car lot, but we cannot get your approved”. Jesus was frustrated and confused, but remained adamant on purchasing a new work truck. Jesus found us on Google, and reached out for a consult. After a thorough analysis of his 3 Bureau Credit Report; multiple areas of his credit report were identified for improvement. He was surprised that each Credit Bureau had different information. There was erroneous information on TransUnion, such as, unrecognized late payments on credit cards, and an unknown collection dated back to 2018 on Experian which had lowered his score to 578. We proactively disputed this erroneous information and our client was able to see deletions as early as 30 to 60 days after his auto dealership "denial of credit" notice. Jesus was now empowered; his score had increased to the mid 600's and he now had more purchasing power as he walked into the dealership and immediately was approved for financing with his 652 credit score! Jesus was ecstatic and drove off in his new truck feeling ten feet tall and bullet proof! "Thanks for the pic that you sent us Jesus & your family's salsa recipe, but smile next time in your picture" 


Although these testimonials, results, timeframes, & case studies are genuine examples of our client's success, they do not represent every client. Client results are unique to each situation. Results are based on a client’s ability to strictly follow our credit repair program, they must pay their bills on time, they must not get new derogatory credit items reporting while in our credit repair program, they must activate new revolving & installment credit lines, & manage these new account with no late payments. Per Texas State Law Texas Best Credit Repair, LLC is not able to promise scores, deletions, or loan approval. BEWARE OF CREDIT REPAIR FIRMS MAKING PROMISES ON SCORES & TIMELINES. THEY ARE BREAKING THE LAW WITH FAKE PROMISES ONLY TO GET YOU TO SIGN UP WITH THEM.

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