The goal of Texas Best Credit Repair is to provide a pathway for consumers to never need credit repair services again. We accomplish this by empowering consumers with the best credit tools to speed up the credit repair process of deletions & boosting credit scores. iCreditHelp.com is an advanced Credit Monitoring Service, & included with every Credit Plan we provide. We are a Premier Partner with iCreditHelp.com which enables us to provide their service to all our clients already included within the monthly prices listed within this website. The #1 reason we partner with iCreditHelp.com is to provide credit report & credit score data to our clients on a monthly basis. The Credit Coach Tracker Portal connects via secure api to The iCreditHelp.com Portal to provide real-time 3 Bureau credit data deletion item targeting & score tracking. Most competitors require their clients to pay for 3rd Party Credit Monitoring in addition to their Credit Repair Service, but Texas Best Credit Repair 100% off-sets the cost of iCreditHelp.com. In the end, our clients get more credit tools to help them succeed without being overcharged for help!